Tag Archives: The Urban Celibate

The Urban Celibate(?) Meets Mum, Dad & Father Christmas

The Urban Celibate(?) Meets Mum, Dad & Father Christmas

Posted on09. Feb, 2009 by Administrator.


by Mz. Moxy 1151 days into self-imposed celibacy ended recently with a (long overdue) bang. From this excursion into deserted tundra, I have been blessed with ninja-like intuition and Quattro Razor sharp insight. Not unlike Jim Morrison the Lizard King rebirthing in the desert sun, through two years of abstinence, I have been divined with [...]

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The Urban Celibate – “Dating Advice from an Italian-American Matriach, Part 1”

The Urban Celibate - “Dating Advice from an Italian-American Matriach, Part 1”

Posted on20. Dec, 2008 by Administrator.


Her name is Elaine. She is one sassy lady. She wears form-fitting white jeans and leather shoe boots. She calls it as she sees it, brandishing her paper’s edge cutting wisdom to all who ask and most that don’t. She hasn’t the patience or time to sugarcoat her words of wisdom, as her New Jersey-based [...]

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The Urban Celibate – “An International Comedown”

The Urban Celibate - “An International Comedown”

Posted on04. Nov, 2008 by Administrator.


by Mz. Moxy Days turned into weeks, which turned into months. The dates of the dusty wall calendar were crossed off with an angry red pen, and tumbleweeds blew across my bedroom floor.. I realized my extended period of nonsexual activity had a name, and that there were others like me. Claiming my celibacy was [...]

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The Urban Celibate “Dial 011 for Romance”

The Urban Celibate “Dial 011 for Romance”

Posted on01. Oct, 2008 by Administrator.


by Mz Moxy Days turned into weeks, which turned into months. The dates of the dusty wall calendar were crossed off with an angry red pen, and tumbleweeds blew across my bedroom floor.  I realized my extended period of nonsexual activity had a name, and that there were others like me. Claiming my celibacy was [...]

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The Urban Celibate: Love Notes from a Broad Abroad

The Urban Celibate: Love Notes from a Broad Abroad

Posted on01. Sep, 2008 by Administrator.


by Mz. Moxy Days turned into weeks, which turned into months. The dates on the dusty wall calendar were crossed off with an angry red pen, and tumbleweeds blew across my bedroom floor. I realized my extended period of nonsexual activity had a name, and that there were others like me. Claiming my celibacy was [...]

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The Urban Celibate – Pop Quiz

The Urban Celibate - Pop Quiz

Posted on01. Aug, 2008 by Administrator.


by Mz. Moxy Days turned into weeks, which turned into months. The dates of the dusty wall calendar were crossed off with an angry red pen, and tumbleweeds blew across my bedroom floor. I realized my extended period of nonsexual activity had a name, and that there were others like me. Claiming my celibacy was [...]

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The URBAN CELIBATE – Rick Astley, Will You Marry Me?

The URBAN CELIBATE - Rick Astley, Will You Marry Me?

Posted on01. May, 2008 by Administrator.


by Mz. Moxy There is a current phenomenon on the information superhighway called “Rickrolling”. This occurs when one posts a deceptive link to a seemingly ‘must watch’ video clip. The unsuspecting viewer clicks on the enticing promise, only to be falsely led to the 80’s music video for Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up”. [...]

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THE URBAN CELiBATE - Love Affair with the Los Angeles Parking Violations Bureau

Posted on01. Apr, 2008 by Administrator.


Days turned into weeks, which turned into months. The dates of the dusty wall calendar were crossed off with an angry red pen, and tumbleweeds blew across my bedroom floor.  I realized my extended period of nonsexual activity had a name, and that there were others like me. Claiming my celibacy was not something I [...]

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