Tag Archives: Napa

Valentine’s in Napa
Posted on09. Feb, 2009 by Administrator.
by Wine Dog - Bob Ecker Fortunately for West Coasters, this time of year is already proto-spring unlike many parts of the country. The birds, bees, and flowers all get active as nature – including us dogs and humans – get urges. Maybe it’s no surprise that Valentine’s Day comes about in the early spring, [...]
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Napa For The Holidays
Posted on06. Jan, 2009 by Administrator.
words by Wine Dog – Bob Ecker We all know times are difficult. I can hardly walk through Petco without lamenting the price of rawhide treats. Fortunately people still continue to need to drink wine. I say, visit wine country, go out to your local restaurants or enjoy wine at home. Why? Because the Wine [...]