Tag Archives: Horoscopes
Horoscopes - Open Your Fortune Cookie Now
Posted on09. Feb, 2009 by Administrator.
by Ananda Zoë Breslof Inspired By True Events - January 26th starts the Chinese New Year, the year of the Earth Ox. Each of the 12-year cycle of animals is designated with one of the Chinese five elemental signs; metal, water, wood, fire, and earth. This year it is Earth and harbors such qualities as [...]
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Horoscopes “Affirmations for the New Year”
Posted on20. Dec, 2008 by Administrator.
by Ananda Zoë Breslof Inspired By True Events - From the minute you wake up, your attitude sets the tone of the day. So, create your day! Meditate, or at least recite a positive affirmation, while still snug in bed. Have a clear intention and let this new morning ritual start out your day, as [...]
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Horoscopes - November
Posted on04. Nov, 2008 by Administrator.
by Ananda Zoë Breslof Inspired By True Events November is my birth month, which means working through more impending changes as well as working through the dreaded, you know, birth trauma. Anxiety is normal at this time of year and we have enormous reflections to ponder. Remember this: Change is good, exciting, enticing, and filled [...]
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Horoscopes - August 2008
Posted on01. Aug, 2008 by Administrator.
by Ananda Zoë Bosch Inspired By True Events It ought to be easy, ought to be simple enough. A man meets a woman and they fall in love, but this house is haunted and the ride gets rough, and you’ve got to learn to live with what you can’t rise above if you want to [...]