Tag Archives: Demi Moore

Valentine’s Day Premiere (Photos)

Valentine’s Day Premiere (Photos)

Posted on09. Feb, 2010 by Administrator.


By Josh Bixel
The Valentine’s Day premiere at the Chinese Mann Theater on Monday had no shortage of star power, given the number of luminaries who appear in the film. This love-fest stars Julia Roberts, Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, Jennifer Garner, Jamie Foxx, Topher Grace, Eric Dane, Ashton Kutcher, Queen Latifah, Emma Roberts, Bradley Cooper, Taylor [...]

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Flawless - Film Review

Posted on01. Apr, 2008 by Administrator.


by Telly Davidson

Set at the pre-dawn of Swinging London, director Michael Radford’s film Flawless tells the story of a frustrated American expatriate executive at London Diamond named Laura Quinn (Demi Moore). Educated at Oxford during the War, and clearly one of the most clever executives at Lon Di, the plucky Laura is about to be sacked [...]

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