Archive for 'Lifestyle'

The Magic of El Careyes
Posted on09. Sep, 2009 by Administrator.
words by Ally Jones My life has come full circle. I last reported on a Mexico adventure in the very first issue of h, where I spent a blissful week decompressing and kicking my addiction to television in Sayulita, Mexico, a charming fishing village 30 minutes north of Puerto Vallarta. Now, two years later, I [...]
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Cooking With Class
Posted on09. Sep, 2009 by Administrator.
words by Glenn Johnson Urban living offers the best of everything in so many ways, but time is often the most precious commodity of which no one seems to have enough. Countless friends of mine scoff at the fact that I cook for myself and ask me where I find the time. It’s become a [...]
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Hipcooks, Stress Free Chefs
Posted on09. Sep, 2009 by Administrator.
words by Caroline Schweich There are those who seem to be able to whip up an amazing dinner for 12 (or two for that matter) at a moment’s notice, just grabbing “whatever” is in the fridge and turning it into something absolutely fabulous. And then there’s the rest of us. First, I stress about the [...]
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The Perfect Summertime Companion, ROSÉ
Posted on09. Sep, 2009 by Administrator.
words by Wine Dog - Bob Ecker, photo by Tue Nam At one time, rosés had been considered pink white zinfandel, blush wine, or, in other words, treacly sweet products meant for overgrown kids and adults addicted to soda. Except for the few, proud rosés from France, most rosés available in the U.S. were pretty [...]
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What the h? - Not to Brag. Twitter
Posted on20. Apr, 2009 by Administrator.
by Derek Waters Not to brag… Our country is setting world records in the financial department, homeless department, and depression department. No matter what business you’re in right now, we are all being affected. But I believe the bigger problem right now is a website called Twitter. The problem is people are thinking other people [...]
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IRONWORKS – The Fruits of Labor in Orange County
Posted on18. Apr, 2009 by Administrator.
words by Jason Dean Once upon a time – back in the early 1900’s – a sturdy brick building was erected in the sleepy town of Riverside, CA. [Cue lonely harmonica music as a wind-blown tumbleweed bounces lazily past.] It housed the California Iron Works, and CIW manufactured citrus washing, drying, sorting, and packing equipment. [...]
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Le Gamin - Crêpes A Go Go - Restaurant Review
Posted on18. Apr, 2009 by Administrator.
words by Glenn Johnson At the ripe old age of 21, Robert Arbor was living in Hong Kong when he met a young Vietnamese girl from New York who would shape his dreams in ways he couldn’t have imagined. Following his future wife back to New York City, with no expectations of what he would [...]
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KOGI Twitter Your Tacos
Posted on18. Apr, 2009 by Administrator.
words by Caroline Schweich Ever had an amazing idea at four in the morning after a night of partying? Have you ever actually remembered that idea when you wake up the next day? And now, the million-dollar question: Did you turn that idea into a business reality that went beyond your wildest expectations within a [...]
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The Wine Dog’s Spring Ski Roundup
Posted on14. Apr, 2009 by Administrator.
words by Wine Dog - Bob Ecker Heading to the mountains for winter fun is what many enjoy in December, January, and February, but serious fun on the slopes doesn’t have to end yet. Spring skiing (and boarding), snow shoeing, cross country or winter hiking activities are still awesome this time of year. The roads [...]
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A Baby Story
Posted on09. Feb, 2009 by Administrator.
by Teresa Strasser Right now, I’m the sidekick on a morning radio program and co-host of a weekly television show on deep, deep cable. Based on my career trajectory thus far, my next job will be a series of non-union Mobisodes. In the parlance of street fighters, or middle managers trying to rally their sales force after [...]