Horoscopes - November

Posted on 04. Nov, 2008 by in Lifestyle

by Ananda Zoë Breslof

Inspired By True Events 

November is my birth month, which means working through more impending changes as well as working through the dreaded, you know, birth trauma. Anxiety is normal at this time of year and we have enormous reflections to ponder. Remember this: Change is good, exciting, enticing, and filled with what I love most – possibility. Let change into your life and be ready to trust that our future can be whatever we choose. Happy Birthday to me and fellow Scorpians!


Scorpio (10/24-11/22) Maintain an even keel while the world around is in hurricane mode. Stay grounded with your feet firmly planted and know that you will not falter. You have two choices, either be extremely present in the moment and enjoy this time, or let it pass you by.


Sagittarius (11/23-12/21) Navigating the next few weeks will prove you can truly trust your decisions. Be confident with your current path. Having doubts is normal, just trust that it will most certainly work out for the best.


Capricorn (12/22-1/20) Don’t let your cautious nature get the best of you when you come to a decision in your love life soon. You can overcome your insecurities by exclaiming the mantra, “I am now able to let love into my life”! Meditate on those words at least 70 times every morning.


Aquarius (1/21-2/19) Career changes are ahead for you this month. While any type of change can make you feel like you’re walking on a tightrope try to embrace this change, then life will unfold the way you want it to.


Pisces (2/20-3/20) After spending the last month waffling you may be tempted to put on those familiar blinders again. To find the clarity you have been missing stay focused on your path and it will come
into focus.


Aries (3/21-4/20) You always need a good challenge in your life to feel fulfilled, but seeking one out might distract you from what
you truly want. A good challenge for you is to initiate a change within yourself! Making a fresh start may take you to exactly where you
want to be.


Taurus (4/21-5/21) Practice reciting, “patience is a virtue” over and over again. You have been quick in temper lately thanks to the obstacles you have been dealing with in your latest career or physical move. Be more even with your emotions and not so reactive, and this transition will proceed with true ease.


Gemini (5/22-6/21) Some choices are easier than they seem. Remember that those choices are your own and that you cannot control anyone else, only how you react to them. It might seem hard, but come to your decision about your loved one sooner rather than later.


Cancer (6/22-7/22) Time to get off that rollercoaster ride. Choose to make better decisions for yourself this month. Go socialize, practice self-care. That will be vital for a healthy, strong you. One door closes, 30 more open!


Leo (7/23-8/22) That weight on your shoulders has gotten awfully heavy and, in case you were wondering, it’s time to shake it off. Release the burden by being dramatic, let it go, and the chips will fall where they may. Hey, at least they won’t be on your back anymore.


Virgo (8/23-9/23) Being so logical and realistic has made your life easier, right? Nope. This month lose the logic and embrace your irrational emotions…you may be surprised by the outcome.


Libra (9/24-10/23) Changes within your personal life have proven that you have made solid choices. Stay the course and know that you have all the reassurance from the Universe and that yes, you are of sound mind, body, and spirit. 


Remarks and sassy comments are encouraged! Write to me at [email protected]

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