Tag Archives: Film Review

A Nightmare on Elm Street - Film Review
Posted on30. Apr, 2010 by Administrator.
by Todd Gilchrist Rating: Having spent time on the set of A Nightmare on Elm Street speaking with producers Brad Fuller and Andrew Form, the guys at Platinum Dunes who successfully spearheaded relaunches of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Amityville Horror and Friday the 13th franchises, I respect and even agree with the logic that [...]
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The Losers - Film Review
Posted on23. Apr, 2010 by Administrator.
by Todd Gilchrist Rating: It speaks to the general disposability of action movies that I am unable to immediately remember more than a handful released in the last decade. Ironically, I feel as if I’ve seen all of them, and yet, The Rundown time and again is my go-to choice for one of the best, [...]
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Date Night - Film Review
Posted on09. Apr, 2010 by Administrator.
by Todd Gilchrist Rating: There are certain movies that demand discussion and analysis, and others that simply are what they are. Date Night falls into the latter category: a lighthearted comedy about a New Jersey married couple whose night on the town turns into a race for their lives, there’s precious little that needs to [...]
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Clash of the Titans - Film Review
Posted on02. Apr, 2010 by Administrator.
by Todd Gilchrist Rating: Although I steadfastly don’t believe in writing reviews as some sort of consumer service, the most important thing I have to say about Clash of the Titans is do not see the film in 3-D. Part of the motivation for my plea, admittedly, is to save you the extra money 3-D [...]
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Alice in Wonderland – Film Review
Posted on05. Mar, 2010 by Administrator.
by Todd Gilchrist A few years ago I would have described Tim Burton and Alice in Wonderland as a perfect pairing of director and material; even without intimate familiarity with the source material, his pedigree as a purveyor of mainstream fantasy is largely unrivaled, and there’s no doubt his visual sense could reinvigorate (if not [...]
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The Crazies - Film Review
Posted on26. Feb, 2010 by Administrator.
by Todd Gilchrist The thing about zombie movies is that I really don’t care at all why people become zombies. That is the least important and, at a certain point, least interesting part of the plot of any movie featuring undead, deeply sick, ravenous, violent monsters. However, the fact that The Crazies tries to come [...]
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Cop Out - Film Review
Posted on26. Feb, 2010 by Administrator.
by Todd Gilchrist After spending almost two decades giving Kevin Smith the benefit of the doubt, it’s hard to refute the seemingly obvious truth that he just isn’t a good director. Not only is he not much of a visual stylist, he doesn’t have any flair for storytelling, and almost none of his films have [...]
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The Ghost Writer - Film Review
Posted on19. Feb, 2010 by Administrator.
by Todd Gilchrist “Forget about it, Jake, it’s the CIA.” Perhaps needless to say, this isn’t actually a line from The Ghost Writer, but Roman Polanski’s latest film shares much in common with his 1974 masterpiece Chinatown, not the least of which being a resignation to the larger, impenetrable machinations of a system that was [...]
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Shutter Island – Film Review
Posted on19. Feb, 2010 by Administrator.
by Todd Gilchrist Martin Scorsese is the filmmaker who maybe more than any in the medium’s history brought cinephilia to the mainstream, and it’s this enormous legacy of inspiration, influence, and cinematic subtext that he has embedded in his body of work which makes Shutter Island so hard to talk about. Superficially about a U.S. [...]
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Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief – Film Review
Posted on12. Feb, 2010 by Administrator.
If one wanted proof of the entertainment world’s complete and total lack of original ideas, they need look no further than Percy Jackson & The Olympians. A copy of the Harry Potter series so shameless that it even features Chris Columbus, the same director who shepherded J.K. Rowling’s character to the screen, there’s not one [...]