Tag Archives: Derek Waters

What the h? Boobs

What the h? Boobs

Posted on20. Dec, 2008 by Administrator.


by Derek Waters I’m not a guy that usually writes about boobs. I’ve never tried to write an American Pie type story. I have a view point here, but this article still has to be called “boobs”. Let me explain.  Boobs are great. When I was a kid they provided me food and drink. How [...]

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What the h? “Voting in the Free World”

What the h? “Voting in the Free World”

Posted on04. Nov, 2008 by Administrator.


Let me introduce myself. My name is Derek Waters. I was born in Baltimore, Maryland and moved to L.A. in 2000 to seek my dream of becoming an actor. I’ve been very lucky to have been in a few TV Shows and small movies…none that really stick out, but enough to make my parents proud, [...]

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Derek Waters’ Drunk History

Derek Waters’ Drunk History

Posted on01. Sep, 2008 by Administrator.


words by Devoe Yates In a recent interview with Charlie Rose, Seth Rogen was asked, “Do you know people with huge amounts of talent who aren’t working?” Seth replied, “Derek Waters.” If you’ve never seen Derek’s viral short film series Drunk History featuring Michael Cera, Jack Black, and Danny McBride, then it’s high time you [...]

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