Archive for 'News'

On The Edge in Malibu: Build Green or Let It Be?
Posted on07. Apr, 2010 by Administrator.
by Jason Dean The hypocrisy hounds smelled blood when word began to spread last year about “Leaves in the Wind,” the 156-acre, five-dwelling development in the Sweetwater Mesa area of the Malibu hills proposed by U2 guitarist The Edge. People salivated over the suggestion that the very band that propped itself up as a paragon [...]
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Queen of the World: Kathryn Bigelow and The Hurt Locker Rule Oscars
Posted on08. Mar, 2010 by Administrator.
by Jason Dean The 82nd Annual Academy Awards’ build-up toward the crowning of Best Director and Best Picture was a see-saw battle for momentum between Team Cameron and Team Bigelow. Best Cinematography and Best Soundtrack showdowns for the two visually arresting—but very different—films set the tone as the dueling exes traded reaction shots throughout the [...]
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Posted on04. Mar, 2010 by Administrator.
by Christina Ochoa Lopez It is T minus 3 days for entertainment’s most talked about ceremony, and we all have our favorite nominees. Coming to mind are the controversial ex-spouses James Cameron and Katherine Bigelow-both heading the “Best Movie” and “Best Director” categories-sure to ruffle some feathers when the award is given, not to mention [...]
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The Enquirer Wins a Pulitzer? Why Not?
Posted on24. Feb, 2010 by Administrator.
By Jason Dean Certain things in this world just feel wrong when you put them together. Olives and raisins. Burkas and Coppertone. Rachel Maddow-Coulter. Now comes the most salacious pairing of modern journalism: National Enquirer and Pulitzer Prize? (Try saying it out loud without your voice curling up into a question at the end.) This [...]
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Fat People on Planes Entertain, Yet Again
Posted on16. Feb, 2010 by Administrator.
By Mark Cartier Kevin Smith, noted film director, was recently kicked off a Southwest Airlines flight from Oakland to Burbank… for being too fat. The resulting Twitter war has sucked me in just at a time when I had conspired to give up on Twitter as a conquered property of teenage jagoffs. Proving itself useful [...]
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The 2010 Grammys: Posh Pageantry Promotes Diverse Styles of Music
Posted on01. Feb, 2010 by Administrator.
by Jason Dean The 52nd Annual Grammy Awards shoehorned a string of powerhouse performances into a three-and-a-half-hour awards free-for-all Sunday night. When it was all over, Beyoncé had won six Grammys—a record for a female—but country music darling Taylor Swift took home the crown jewel for album of the year. Highlights? There were many. Michael [...]
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Cameron Reclaims Throne at Golden Globes (Photos)
Posted on18. Jan, 2010 by Administrator.
By Jason Dean If this year’s Golden Globes revealed any Oscar premonitions, prepare thyself for another titanic helping of James Cameron. The self-proclaimed “King of the World” took the next logical step and created his own planet, taking home two Golden Globes when Avatar won for Best Picture after he had already bagged the Best [...]
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The People’s Choice Awards - 2010
Posted on08. Jan, 2010 by Administrator.
By Jason Dean The People have chosen. The People’s Choice Awards, a conveniently packaged snow globe of pop culture popularity contests, anointed this year’s class of Most Special Snowflakes. A mash-up awards show if ever there was one, the annual event pays tribute to a large swath of entertainment’s elite class of thoroughbreds, party crashers, [...]
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Brittany Murphy - Life, Interrupted
Posted on21. Dec, 2009 by Administrator.
by Jason Dean During a break on a Maxim photo shoot in 2001, Brittany Murphy suddenly exclaimed, “Come on, everybody, have fun! Think butterflies and lollipops and surfer girls and American flags!” She clapped her hands as the words flowed from her sinewy frame, her physical composure maintained by a stylist who was taming her [...]